Reporting of Violations


Kuwait Reinsurance Company’s Whistleblower Policy encourages employees, clients and other business partners to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or violations of Company’s policies including any instances of harassment at the workplace, creation of a hostile work environment and breach of the Company’s Code of Ethics.

An employee or stakeholder of the Company shall disclose an issue or lodge a complaint with the designated authority only when the concerned employee/ or stakeholder holds a reasonable belief in the circumstances at the time of making the disclosure or lodging the complaint.

Kuwait Re shall treat all reports received with appropriate confidentially and shall maintain the anonymity of the complainant to the extent reasonable and practicable under the circumstances.

The Company has also adopted a Whistleblower Protection Policy which specifies that the Company will protect the concerned individual from retaliation and identify those Company employees or senior management members to whom such information can be reported. The Company shall take appropriate measures to protect the identity of the concerned employee or stakeholder who makes a disclosure or complaint. The Company shall not penalize or take vengeful action against an employee or stakeholder when a disclosure or complaint (that falls within the ambit of this policy) is lodged, in good faith, by the concerned employee or stakeholder. The Company shall not dismiss an employee because of whistle blowing.

Types of Violations

The categories of complaints and disclosures under the policy shall relate to, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Harassment at the workplace.
  2. Creating a Hostile Work Environment.
  3. Breach of Company’s Code of Ethics.
  4. Breach of Company’s policies and procedures.
  5. Discrimination on the basis of age, sex and nationality
  6. Health, safety and environment related issues
  7. Criminal offence.
  8. Fraud.
  9. Misrepresentation or falsehood.
  10. Breach of a legal obligation.
  11. Miscarriage of justice.
  12. Misuse of authority.
  13. Covering up of information relating to the above.

Reporting Of Violations