Renewable Energy
In this rapidly growing sector, our specialize team can offer solutions related to renewable and alternative energy such as those that focus on wind, solar and Hydroelectric operational projects.
We can protect owners and operators of renewable operational facilities against ‘all risks’ property physical loss or damage and resulting business interruption and also loss of revenue following an insured event. Cover is available on a quota-share (proportional) or excess of loss (non-proportional) basis in supporting multinational/multilocation or location specific programmes with a focus on clients with operations in Middle East, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia and CIS. Capacity is granted either on a lead basis or following a recognized leading market.
USD 40 million
Geographical scope:
• Middle East
• Africa
• Eastern Europe
• Russia and CIS
• Asia
• Property Damage including Machinery Breakdown for the following occupancies:
• Hydroelectric faculties
• Solar facilities (PV/Thermal)
• Wind faculties (Offshore/Onshore)
• Business Interruption & Contingent Business Interruption
Point of contact

Mohamed Veera
Manager - Property